At Tutorpeers, we value your feedback to ensure a high-quality tutoring experience. Here’s how the review process works for parents and learners.
Rating the Session
After each tutoring session, you can rate the tutor based on how the session was conducted.
You can rate the session from 1 to 5 stars. Additionally, you can leave a written description of your experience. You can also rate the same tutor multiple times, once after each session.
All reviews are checked to avoid spam or inappropriate content. This ensures that all feedback is fair and constructive.
Session History
If you submit your rating and review following the session, you can find it in your session history.
Alternatively, you have the option to leave a review through this window within seven days after the session.
Tutor Profile
Once approved by the moderation team, your review will be displayed on the tutor’s profile. The tutor’s rating will be updated, and their rank in the marketplace feed will adjust accordingly.
Tutors who conduct more sessions and receive good ratings will appear higher in the marketplace feed.
If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, contact us.