School administrators have access to detailed insights into the usage of our platform, helping track the engagement and effectiveness of sessions.
Here’s a quick breakdown of the key metrics and what they mean:
Total Sessions
This number reflects all sessions scheduled to start or begin within the selected week. It gives an overall picture of session activity, helping you gauge usage over time.
Successful Sessions
Are those where both participants attended as planned. High success rates indicate good engagement and commitment from participants.
Unsuccessful Sessions
This refers to instances where at least one participant didn’t join. Monitoring this number can help identify any scheduling or engagement issues among users. This number includes canceled sessions.
Average Session Duration
This figure represents the average length of all sessions, calculated in minutes. To get this number, we add up the duration of every session and then divide it by the total number of sessions. This metric helps track how long users stay engaged during each session.
Booked Sessions
These sessions were scheduled beforehand, allowing participants to prepare and confirm their attendance in advance. Tracking these numbers can indicate how often users plan for tutoring sessions versus initiating them on demand.
Instant Sessions
Such sessions can be started immediately without needing to be scheduled in advance. This feature offers flexibility for users seeking immediate assistance, providing a convenient way to initiate learning on demand.
By reviewing these metrics in your reports, you can better understand user activity, monitor engagement, and identify areas for potential improvement.
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